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IVF Treatment at Smile Baby IVF Centre – providing a reason to smile amidst the gloom of infertility
   In Vitro Fertilisation, more popular as IVF has been addressing our woes of infertility for quite some time. Considered to be one of the most successful treatment techniques, IVF consists of a series of sophisticated procedures for fulfilling our dreams of parenthood.

    Despite the popularity and success rate of the procedure, IVF treatment is often mistaken as a time consuming process with a high cost. Although the time factor is highly dependent on the intensity of the patient’s condition, the efficiency of the treatment varies with the quality of the centre we opt for.
    Acknowledged for the best IVF treatment in Hennur, Bangalore, Smile Baby IVF Centre is known to offer quality infertility treatments, at affordable costs. The services at the centre makes the treatments accessible even to commoners, easing the financial burden that a diagnosis of infertility could make on a middleclass family.
    Why IVF?
    IVF procedure is mainly used in the cases where couples encounter the issue of infertility due to irregularities such as low sperm count in male partner, disorders like ovulation problems, endometriosis, damage to reproductive organs such as fallopian tubes or uterus and abnormalities in cervical mucus, in the female partner. Infertility that are caused due to the antibody disorders in either partners that lead to damage of sperm or ovum can be overcome with the help of IVF as well.

    How IVF?
    The procedure of IVF is carried out with the help of a series of sophisticated steps, where the sperm and ovum are fused artificially in a laboratory setting. The procedure can be performed on donated eggs or sperms as well.
    The various steps involved in the procedure involve, stimulation of ovulation which is followed by extraction of sperm and eggs. The sperm is then made to fertilise the egg in a laboratory. This is followed by embryo culturing and finally followed up by transferring the embryos into the mother’s womb.
    With an aim to make IVF treatment accessible to all, Smile Baby IVF Centre is dedicated to providing effective and the best infertility treatment in Hebbal.
    For more details,



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