Laser Assisted Hatching in Bangalore

Laser Assisted Hatching in Bangalore

Assisted Hatching is one of the most popular In vitro fertilization technique. It is used to help the embryo from its protective outer shell. This procedure has usually being performed by means of mechanical force using a micro needle and by acid digestion of the outer shell. At the time of assisted hatching small opening is made in the outer shell of the embryo. In order to prevent the embryo in breaking out of this shell to facilitate the implantation process. It can potentially enhance implantation or pregnancy rates or turn around a history of failure for embryos to implant themselves in the uterine wall.

During this the outer shell of the embryo is breached by firing a few laser pulses. The laser is fired far away from the cells of the embryo. This procedure only takes a few seconds to complete. This process includes less handling of the embryo. And Laser-Assisted Hatching is faster than to the other methods therefore, the embryo spends less time outside the incubator. A fast, safe and also a simple method when compared to the old method of hatching which was performed by using acidic medium. 

For more details about laser assisted hatching and infertility treatments contact us by using the below contact details.
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