Secondary Infertility Treatment Bangalore

Why Can't You Have Another Baby?

Secondary Infertility Treatment Bangalore

Children's are the gift of God!!. The term Secondary infertility in the sense inability to conceive a second child after the first pregnancy has been done successfully. The couple might have given natural birth to a first child but in the second time birth is not possible through natural procedure,It can possible with the help of assisted reproductive technology or through infertility medications. Secondary Infertility Treatment are better option for you to resolve your problems.

Whether I have secondary infertility?

Infertility is defined as inability in conceiving a child trying for one year. It is one of the inevitable problem in between couples or The women had faced multiple miscarriage. Male and Female factors that are equally affecting infertility so the causes of infertility cannot be explained easily.

The fertility problem between couples are caused by 
  • Abnormal ovulation
  • Age 
  • Low Sperm or low motility
  • Stress
  • Endometriosis
  • Fear occurs after child birth

Why is it so?

If you are conceived your first child with easily, then you may think of you are having second childbirth also possible with out difficulty. Consult a better primary care or gynecologist and clarify your queries related to your childbirth.

The emotional side

The couples who cannot get support from society if they are having secondary infertility. This may leads to many kind emotional experiences such as 
  • Anger
  • Grief 
  • Depression
  • Jealousy
  • Guilty
  • Self blame
  • Patient loss control

How to resolve?

Solving secondary infertility problem can be treated depends on many factors including many decision making. Always better to consult a expert gynecologist during this condition rather than keeping your problem as secrete with you only.

Technologies are developed a lot in the field of infertility so you can have many types of treatments are available for you with affordable cost. Start smile to your future with your children's.

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