IVF for women over forty

Nowadays, several women are opting for a healthy and stable career before entering motherhood. Raising a child is an expensive affair, the cost comes both in terms of money and time, not to mention the amount of energy required to raise a child. Remember the old adage, “It takes a whole village to raise a child”, that notion is quite accurate today also. As young working professionals it would be difficult to do all of these things at the same time. This is where IVF comes to help you. IVF enables women to postpone child bearing to an appropriate age in the future. Women can undergo treatment even after 40 and still be able to start a family. There are many kinds of IVF treatments. However, there is considerable consensus in the medical community that IVF done using frozen eggs is the most effective method. The success rate both in terms of pregnancies as well as healthy births is much better compared to other forms of IVF. When we further analyze the statistics on use ...