IUI Fertility Treatments In Bangalore

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a method of artificial insemination which is used to treat infertility. In this process, specially prepared sperm has been placed in the women uterus at the time of ovulation. IUI will be planned in the accordance of menstruation cycle of female or fertility medications. Sperms have been washed and concentrated to place directly into the female uterus at the time when ovary releases eggs to be fertilized. The aim of this method is make sperm to swim into the fallopian tube and fertilize the waiting egg which result into normal pregnancy. The infertility medical assessment analyzes mortality power of the sperm, the sperm concentration, or any other type of deformities in the size and shape of sperm. The next phase separates the normal, fast and higher quality sperm and prepares it to be placed. The sperm is then directly placed in the uterus at the time of eggs release in the ovary. This helps one or more eggs to fertilize rapidly....